Our staff

There are many people behind the scenes making sure things run smoothly at Holy Trinity.  Meet the team.

Vicar: The Rev’d Grant Edgcumbe

Churchwardens: Laurence Moore (Vicar’s Warden), Lynne Mitchell, Sue Moses-Critchley

Other Members of Vestry: Julia Fox,  Nola Hatton, Margaret Kemp, Barbara Nunn

Synod Representatives: Julia Fox, Jim Lewis

Treasurer: Nola Hatton

Organist: Laurie Moore

Lay Reader: Janet Duke

Sacristan: Lyn Walton

Worship Rosters: Lynne Mitchell

Offering envelopes:

Meditation Group: 

Requests for Sacramental ministry (Baptism, Confession, Healing, Marriage, Funerals, Interment of Ashes): The Vicar.